Biblical Hebrew Classes

Now Available on Zoom!

Learn Biblical Hebrew.

Acquire effective tools to help you understand and be inspired by the biblical text in its original Hebrew.

Program based on Hinneh – Biblical Hebrew the Practical Way. For more details, please contact Rahel.

Program Overview

The Hinneh program is semi academic, rigorous and practical, serious but friendly at the same time. Vocabulary and grammar are demonstrated through short, original biblical passages, facilitating independent reading in the actual text.

Note: These courses require a few hours of homework per week to allow good absorption and application of the material learned.

Level 1: Aleph Bet for Beginners

Learn the basics including verbless sentences and frequently occurring vocabulary. Detect pronominal prefixes and suffixes and making sense of them. Learn about gender, number, prepositions, construct chain, etc.

Prerequisite: Reading Hebrew well (with little or no comprehension).

Level 2: Continuing with Aleph Bet Learning

Start learning about the Biblical Hebrew verb system, the major player in the biblical text, with all its complexities. (prefix/suffix form of the qal, strong and weak verbs). Gain access to richer and more interesting biblical texts.

Prerequisite: Level 1 or equivalent.

Level 3: Bet

Completing your introduction to the Hebrew verb system (qal infinitives, imperative, participle, as well as other stems: nif’al, pi’el, hif’il, hitpa’el) will allow you to read longer, meaningful, both prose and poetic Biblical texts.

Prerequisite: Level 2 or equivalent

Material required for the three courses:
  • R.Halabe,  Hinneh – Biblical Hebrew the Practical Way
  • W. Holladay, A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament

For questions and assessment of your level, please contact Rahel.